My Epic Immune Boosting Soup

Happy Sunday to you all! I hope everyone is doing well and staying healthy. It’s pretty crazy how quickly things have changed in the world and it’s definitely a scary time.

With all the extra time on most people’s hands I’ve noticed a lot more people cooking up a storm. People are trying new recipes and getting inspiration from each other. I think this is fantastic because we can now get back to basics and learn how to prepare healthier homemade meals.

Many people are worried about weight gain because of all the inactivity during isolation. This is definitely valid but It’s pretty easy to keep our diet clean. By eating whole foods, drinking plenty of water, and making those homemade meals this is easily controlled. Yes we will snack a little more but if we choose wholesome foods then we shouldn’t worry to much about weight gain. When weather permits then get outside and take a walk or go for a run. It’s not only good for our waistline but also for our mental health.

I’ve had many people ask me for my simple instapot immune boosting veggie soup. I decided to make a little video making it so you can see how easy it is to make. It’s filled with amazing immune boosting veggies and you can use fresh or frozen veggies. It will all work for this easy soup. At this point in time it’s sometimes difficult to get certain foods because of the COVID-19 situation. We are also limited to how many items we can buy so this can be difficult at times. I’ve been making this soup a lot because it’s easy to make, fast, I can use whatever veggies I have and I feel like my family could benefit from the immune boosting properties in the soup. It’s a win in every way! Let me know what your go to meal is these days in the comments.

Enjoy my recipe and please tag/mention me here or Instagram if you make it. If you haven’t already followed me on YouTube I would truly appreciate your support.  Please Like and Subscribe to my channel. Don’t forget to stay connected with me across social media as well. Stay Healthy my friends!

Light & Love,



Simple Healthy Habits that Anyone can implement.

I want to share with you some of my simple healthy habits. I often get asked what people should start doing on their wellness journey. This is sometimes a difficult question to answer because we can implement many small yet important steps.

These healthy habits are surprisingly super easy to implement and they sure do make a huge difference in our health. These habits are also super easy for people who are just stepping into the wellness zone. It can all seem so overwhelming but really it’s not that hard at all. Back when I started my health journey I started by eliminating flavoured coffee whitener and implementing more water into my diet. Two pretty simple things but yet I instantly lost 10 lbs by making these changes. Every small change makes a big impact on our overalls health and wellness.

Let’s get into my favourite easy healthy habits. These habits are simple and anyone can truly implement them in their lives.

Wellness is a big picture with many pieces to the puzzle. By implementing these small tasks one at a time it makes sticking to them long term very possible. I feel like adding too many new healthy habits to your routine all at once is just too overwhelming. Most people will get frustrated and stop everything all together with time. I always suggest that people pick one or two healthy habits that they want to work on. Implement changes slowly and they will just become a natural way of life. This will help you stick to this long term and truly benefit from it.

I add simple things to my diet but over all they make a huge impact on my health, energy levels and the way I look at wellness as a whole. All these pieces together make the future brighter.

One of my favorite things that I implement into my diet and lifestyle is Lemon Water. I love the energy lemon water gives me and I always have a water dispenser dedicated to it. This is such a basic health addition to my diet but yet it makes a huge impact. Lemons are known to purify the blood, improve our skin, they have Vitamin C, and they aid in digestion. The list can continue with all the amazing benefits of lemon water. I feel much more energetic when I consistently add this one simple healthy habit to my life.

Another one of my favorite additions to my wellness routine is adding Chia Seeds in my diet. If I had to pick one thing that I couldn’t live without, yep this would probably be it! These tiny amazing seeds are full of protein, iron, omega 3 fatty acids, antioxidants, fiber and calcium. I love making easy treats like chia pudding for the family. We love to make vanilla or chocolate chia pudding. It’s so easy and super healthy! I even add chia seeds to my water and drink them up when I don’t get a chance to incorporate them into my day.

I included simple things like Gratitude Journaling because this will definitely start your day off on positive note. It puts us in a state of joy and we can really feel appreciatation for all that we have. It keeps us focused on all the good things happening in our lives. It has been proven to increase self esteem as well. This is a great way to really reflect on all the things we have accomplished. Also by putting ourselves in a positive state we reduce stress. When you put yourself in a state of gratitude and positivity it completely shifts how you feel and the way you look at things. Negative feelings and thoughts seem to float away. I like to start my day off with writing in my Gratitude Journal because it starts my day off on a great note. It only takes a few minutes and it makes a tremendous difference in how I feel and sets the tone for the day ahead. My journal asks that we reflect on 3 things that we are grateful for and it also includes a positive quote as well. Find a journal that suits you and try implementing this simple habit.

Check out my YouTube video to learn about further simple healthy habits that I implement in my life.

Have a wonderful week & stay healthy!

Health, Joy & Positive Vibes,

