Smoothie Bowl Breakfast



Life is busy but there is always time to whip up a yummy smoothie bowl! All you need is fruit, milk, and healthy toppings. Super easy. I just add whatever frozen fruit I have in my freezer. We always have frozen bananas and blueberries so those appear in my smoothie bowls quite often. I also always add Spirulina to my smoothies as well for added health benefits.

 Just blend or process them with a splash of non dairy milk and you have an instant nutritious breakfast. As far as toppings go my favourites are pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, sliced almonds, homemade granola, shredded coconut, hemp hearts and fresh sliced fruit. If your on the go with your smoothie then pop it into a mason jar with your toppings for easy travel!

 There isn’t really a “recipe” for this but since people keep asking me what I put in my smoothies I said I’d post a couple for them to reference. The great thing about a smoothie is that you don’t need a recipe to dictate what you should or shouldn’t put in it. You just throw in what you enjoy and add the ingredients you have at home hiding in the freezer.

 Have fun experimenting with your yummy fruit choices and playing around with different toppings!


Blueberry Bliss Smoothie Bowl

  • 2 cups organic blueberries
  • 1 frozen organic banana
  • 1 Tbsp. Spirulina
  • Splash of unsweetened non dairy milk (my favourites are almond or coconut)

Blend or process ingredients. Pour it in your favouite bowl and add your awesome healthy toppings! Below are my suggestions. It can’t get any easier than that right?!

  • 1/4 – 1/3 cup Pumpkin seeds
  • 1 tsp. of chia seeds
  • 1 Tbsp. of Sliced almonds


Tropical Goodness Smoothie

  • 1  organic frozen banana
  • 2 cups pre packaged frozen pineapple, mango & coconut blend from your grocery store
  • 1 Tbsp. Spirulina

Blend all the ingredients up and top with your desired toppings.

Suggested toppings:

  • 1 Tbsp. of Hemp hearts
  • 1 Tbsp. shredded coconut
  • Sprinkle of homemade granola
  • Banana slices


Enjoy your breakfast smoothie bowls! Your body will thank you for the healthy fuel you are giving it! 💕










Pancake Tuesday!

It's Shrove Tuesday / Pancake Tuesday today!

It’s Shrove Tuesday / Pancake Tuesday today!


It’s Pancake Tuesday, Shrove Tuesday or Fat Tuesday … whatever ya wanna call it it’s fine by me! If you’re not familiar with it then just click on Shrove Tuesday & Fat Tuesday and the links will fill you in. As per tradition I made pancakes for my kids to enjoy this morning. I put together some super fast and easy pancakes while packing school lunches and getting my crew out the door on time. I made super Cinnamon vegan pancakes and Cinnamon & Blueberry pancakes as per my 9 year old’s request. When I’m in a big hurry (like today) I use a premixed flour pancake mix sometimes which contains healthy whole grains like brown rice, teff, spelt and quinoa flour. I like having a bag of the premixed flour handy but they sometimes contain sugar and I prefer sugar-free options. To sweeten my pancakes I’ve only been using sugar-free powder stevia and I love the results! I find the liquid stevia way too bitter in taste however so I stick to the powder form. That way the only sugar we are actually putting on our pancakes is the 100% natural Canadian maple syrup and the natural sweetness from the berries. I sometimes skip the maple syrup and just add a touch of pure organic coconut oil on top as an even healthier alternative … yea bring on the yummy good fats! Below is the in a rush on a school day recipe I used this morning 🙂





  • 1 cup of your favourite flour mix
  • 1 tsp. aluminum free Baking Powder
  • 1/4 cup filtered water
  • 1/3 -1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk
  • 1 melted tbsp. of coconut oil
  • 3 packets of stevia
  • 3 tbsp. flaxmeal mixed with 9 tbsp. of water, let sit for a couple of minutes to thicken up
  • 1 tbsp. cinnamon, or to taste
  • 1 pint of blueberries, I usually save some for garnish on top
  • You will also need vegan butter or coconut to coat your pan for cooking



  1. Mix your flaxmeal with water and let it sit.
  2. In a medium-sized bowl add the flour, baking powder, cinnamon, and stevia. Mix well.
  3. Heat a frying pan with a vegan butter or coconut oil
  4. In a small bowl add the water, milk and the coconut oil and mix well. When adding the milk add in 1/3 cup and you can add more if needed afterward.
  5. Add the wet ingredients into the dry. Add in extra milk if you find your batter is too dry. Also add in the flaxmeal as well and combine. Don’t over mix however or your pancakes wont be as fluffy.
  6. Transfer the pancake mix to your preheated frying pan or griddle. They cook up fast so keep an eye on them.



  • As far as the blueberries go I usually add them in to my batter once I’ve made some plain cinnamon ones as some of my kids prefer them without the blueberries. Then I gently add the blueberries into the batter and cook up the rest.


*This recipe makes about 6 good-sized pancakes so I normally double it.*


Enjoy! 🙂

Blueberry Protein Smoothie

Blueberry Protein Smoothie!

Blueberry Protein Smoothie!



Blueberry Protein Smoothie

  • 2 cups blueberries (I use frozen most of the time)
  • 1 cup chopped cantaloupe
  • 1 scoop vegan vanilla protein powder
  • 1 cup lettuce of choice
  • 2 large peaches, chopped up
  • 2 cups cold filtered water
  • 1/3 cup chopped parsley (optional)
  • Ice (optional)


Add the lettuce, blueberries, peach, parsley (if you’re using it), protein powder, cantaloupe and water to a blender. Blend well to desired consistency. Adjust water if you think you need to add a bit more. Add in some ice if you want your smoothie colder & blend well.

Enjoy! 🙂


*Below are some of the reasons why I use parsley in my cooking but also in some of my smoothies as well!*



Health Benefits Of Parsley!

Health Benefits Of Parsley!


Mixed Greens

Mixed Greens




My daughter holding a perfect yummy organic peach!

My daughter holding a perfect yummy organic peach!