Fresh Start & New Goals!

Instead of starting new goals on June 1st I decided to shake it up a little and implement them now. I’m kinda in the feeling high vibrational mode and I thought why not just jump into it? New goals are a way we can say I’m important and I want to implement changes right now.

I was never one of those people who started new challenges or goals in the new year. As if January 1st will magically make you ready to accomplish all your goals. I feel like we all know when the right time is and we get that nudge to make changes when we are meant to. There is no perfect time of the year or situation. We just have to trust our intuition and roll with it. In my experiences the biggest changes are made this way.
This week my 18 year old and I signed up at a gym together. We decided that we will get healthier, fitter and work towards our goals together. This brings us an opportunity to spend one on one time together as well. I’m a mother of 5 and any opportunity for quality time is wonderful! Together we will motivate each other as well as enjoy some good laughs. After all I’m rusty and haven’t been working out hard for a long while now! My daughter has never been a gym person until now as well. Lots of learning and life experiences lay ahead.
It’s also 24 hours so even though I work 12 hour shifts I will still have ample time to fit my workout in. We made sure we picked a place that covered all the bases. No excuses! I look forward to my new challenges and I cant wait to bring myself to a healthier state. I’ll bring you guys along with me as well. I’ll post about my health journey and record videos for my YouTube channel (Vegan MommyDee).
Have you recently started implementing new things into your life? Have you set some new goals too? I’d love to hear about it! Let me know in the comments what’s happening with you. Let’s support and encourage one another on this wellness journey!
Health, Joy and Positive Vibes,
~ Debbie (VeganMommyDee)

Vegan Cuts Box Goodies!

Hi everyone! I hope your all having wonderful weekend!

I just Subscribed to Vegan Cuts a couple months ago. For those of you that isn’t know it’s a monthly subscription that gets delivered to your home. I decided on the Beauty Box which has a combination of cosmetics, hair care and skin care items in it. They also have cosmetics only boxes and snack boxes as well. They seen to have a box that will make everyone happy.

The best part is it’s all VEGAN! I love that I now get to try out some new products that I can’t get where I live. I dont have to do endless research on these products because Vegan Cuts has done that for me too. Yippee!

My first box was mainly cosmetics which I really liked. They gave me neutral tones that would work for pretty much anyone.

I made a video on my YouTube channel with my 2nd box. This box was Spring Skin Care theme. It was loaded with practical items which I really enjoyed. I think my favourite item was the natural face cleanser that also works as shaving cream! I love products like that!

Let me know if you Subscribe to Vegan Cuts and what box you get. Give me some feedback in the comments below or let me know on my YouTube channel. I’d love to know which boxes are the best in your opinion!

Here is the link to my video below. If you haven’t Subscribed to my channel please do so now and help me spread my health and wellness message!

Have a great weekend!


~ Debbie

Quick Meals!

I’m often making quick meals on the go. I feel like most people can relate. We’re all short on time and in a rush to make fast and easy meals. The hard part is creating meals that are healthy so we aren’t tempted to eat anything we can get our hands on. Worst still is grabbing takeout and fast food when we’re in a rush.

I find by sticking to some staple meals I’m able to quickly whip them together in no time at all. By always keeping staple items on hand at home it will make your life so much easier. I also make bigger batches of rice, baked oats and porridge so I have left overs for the next day. I love taking left over porridge to work for breakfast and then I add some berries to it and hemp hearts. That will keep me feeling full long and I wont have to spend money buying an unhealthy breakfast option on the go.

I always make extra sweet potato, white or yellow potatoes in my pressure cooker too. I just use the extra for lunch the next day for my hubby and I. I just add some seasoning to it and eat it with a hearty salad. It’s a simple, fast and nutritious meal!

I love making things like chia pudding in a Mason jar too. I make a few days worth of chia pudding and then we have the perfect breakfast for work or a great go to snack. I don’t have to worry about what to make because that meal is covered. Simple tips like this help keep us on track and because it’s so nutritious it will give us ample energy for our busy lives!

I’ve added below my new YouTube video. It’s another What I Eat in a Day video This edition is Quick Meal Ideas that are healthy and super fast to create.

If you haven’t already Subscribed to my channel please do. I’d greatly appreciate the support. Also don’t forget to follow my blog for future posts and follow me across social media.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

Health, Joy and Positive Vibes,

~ Debbie