My Covid 19 Grocery Staples

Hi everyone! I hope you’re all coping with all the craziness that’s currently happening. It’s all very overwhelming and a lot to take in at times. The isolation is starting to get to most of us and we truly miss that connection with others.

I’m still going to work and commuting as usual because I’m an essential worker. I’m just trying to use all the preventative measures possible but it’s still a scary time. I’m grateful to have a job during this difficult time however. These are hard times but we will get through them. Together collaboratively we can get through anything.

I’ve learned that we took things for granted before. We now have to line up outside grocery stores to buy basic items instead of just walking in sometimes multiple times a week. We have to plan when we have to go and try figuring out where the shortest wait will be. We now have to deal with limits on items as well so that there is enough to go around. At the end of all this we will all be master meal planners however! See there is always something positive to reflect on.

My go to for groceries has been the Business Center Costco. We like to shop there nornally because we need super large quantities of food items. I have five kids and we like to stock up on most used items. I’m very grateful for stores like this. It’s a bit of a drive but it’s well worth it for us. Buying in large quantities like this also provides me with the opportunity to share our food. I off load lots of grocery items at my parents house so that they have plenty during this ordeal.

Please remember to connect with others and see if they need assistance. For many older individuals it’s very risky to go out grocery shopping. They should stay at home and try finding alternative options for getting essentials. If we all lend a hand it would make a huge difference for them.

I also love how we can also the advantage of grocery delivery or pick up services. Many grocery stores have this convenient and safe method of shopping which is fantastic. Yes the waits are long and you’re not going to get groceries right away but it’s worth waiting. I’ve been planning a week or two ahead so I know what we will run out of.

I made a staple covid 19 food items video on my YouTube channel because people were curious about what types of things I stocked up on. So I walked you through what my family of 7 needs during this time.

Let me know what you found was the easiest way to shop. How did you stock up on essentials? Drop me a comment below and let me know how things are in your neck of the woods currently.

I would be so grateful if you could Subscribe to my YouTube channel. Thank you for the support and love.

Stay Healthy my friends.